Dental care furr cats
Hello there, Hank again! I’m glad to see that you’ve all stuck around to read all of these blogs, it’s my turn again to talk to you all about a new subject! I’ve been super [...]
What’s in Your Pet’s Poop?
Have you ever wondered why our veterinary team seems to be obsessed with your pet’s poop? A fecal sample is an excellent indicator of your cat or dog’s health. And, if the fecal sample reveals [...]
Santa Claws is coming!
Hi-ya, I’m Gus. I’ve been here at Twin Maples for 11 years! I was dropped off here as a stray in January of 2008 and I was so cutie, they decided to keep me as [...]
Thanksgiving Weight
Hey everyone, Thresh here! My brother Finnick wrote a blog last month about Halloween, so you might remember my story a little bit. I have been here at Twin Maples for 4 years and my [...]
Canine Influenza and Infectious Respiratory Disease
Canine infectious respiratory disease is the name given to respiratory infections in dogs caused by one group, or a combination of groups, of infectious organisms. Once one pathogen compromises the respiratory system, it is common [...]
Gimp in Your Dog’s Gait? Blame a Cruciate Ligament Rupture
Oh no! Your beloved canine companion lets out a horrendous yelp while frolicking at the dog park with her best friends. The only thing sadder than her limp is her facial expression as she slowly [...]