Top 5 Ways to Make Your Cat Happy and Healthy
Although cats seem to require little more than love, food, and shelter, keeping a feline feeling fine requires more. Jane Brunt, DVM, executive director of the CATalyst Council, says the key to keeping cats healthy is [...]
Itchy Pet? Allergies May be to Blame
People aren’t the only unfortunate victims of allergies—our pets suffer, too. We might have itchy eyes and a drippy nose, but pets’ allergies manifest in different ways. An often difficult and frustrating condition to manage, [...]
How to train your human
I have been contemplating furr awhile on if I should let you in on this infurrmation or not… but I think it’s time you all know some of our secrets on how us cats train [...]
Caring for Senior Pets
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest cat title belongs to Creme Puff, who lived to the ripe old age of 38. Her canine counterpart, Bluey, spent 20 years herding cattle and [...]
Puppy Socialization: Do It Early and Make It Fun
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) defines socialization as “the process of preparing a dog … to enjoy interactions and be comfortable with other animals, people, places and activities.” Establishing these social cues is best [...]
Leptospirosis: Is Your Pet Safe?
Taking your dog for a walk in the woods or a swim in the lake may seem harmless, but diseases may be lurking. Wildlife that crosses your favorite hiking trail or enters your backyard can [...]