Unfortunately, I didn’t truly know I wanted to be a veterinarian until I was halfway done with my undergraduate studies at DePaul University in Chicago.I always knew from a young age that I loved animals and I knew I wanted to help them in some way, I just never thought I would be able to find a career that would encompass those wishes. Thats why when I shadowed my first veterinarian, I was instantly hooked. I saw this profession as a way to not only be an advocate for those without a voice, but also as a way to spark my curiosity and life-long drive to learn. From that point on, I did whatever I could to become more involved in veterinary medicine.

Throughout undergrad, I worked as a veterinary assistant at various animal clinics, played a lead role in my university’s Pre-Vet club and volunteered whenever I could at my local animal shelter. I’ll never forget the day I received my acceptance letter to University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. While I did have a gnawing sense of fear about the hardships that would surely come with the next 4 years, I also had an overwhelming feeling of excitement. Finally, I could start honing my skills and focusing my energy on learning everything I possibly could about how to provide care to animals in need. And just like that, another 4 years flew by in the blink of an eye, and I suddenly got that same feeling of assuredness that I felt when I shadowed my first veterinarian. I couldn’t be more happy with the path I’ve chosen and I am thrilled to experience the joys and challenges that lay ahead in my career.I’m honored to work with the caring, hard-working and intelligent staff at Twin Maples and I am so lucky to have such wonderful mentors that I aspire to be more like every day.

With my free time, my husband and I love to go hiking with our dogs, camping and going for bike rides around our neighborhood (and we love an occasional Netflix marathon, of course.)