Craig Clouse

I believe I was destined to become a veterinarian. I was raised on a small family farm in northern Ohio, and some of my earliest memories involve our dogs, cats, cattle, ponies, and horses. I learned very early the love that dogs give to you freely and the affection that you must earn from cats. [...]

Kim Burkhardt

Some people search their whole lives to find a career that they love or a job that makes them happy but I am not one of those people. I truly feel that I was born to be a veterinarian and thank God and my family every day for helping me fulfill my destiny. I could [...]

Mark Bisoski

I had my first experience in the field of veterinary medicine at the age of 8. I found a bird that had fallen out of its nest in our front yard and was unable to fly. My mother, brother, and I gave it warmth, food, and water until we got it to the Howell Nature [...]

Liz Neilley

I joined Twin Maples in May of 2018 as an associate veterinarian. I grew up north of Dayton, Ohio near a small town called Bradford. As a kid I was involved in 4-H and showed my shetland sheepdog named Elvis at the county fair. My family had a bloodhound rescue and always had several dogs [...]

Cindy Sekula

My journey in veterinary medicine began with an early grade school assignment which asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. My response was “a Veterinarian”, complete with a self-portrait of myself with a lab coat and stethoscope and surrounded by animals. I was always the kid who was never afraid to touch [...]

Carly McCoy

My love of caring for animals began at a young age. I grew up in New Albany, OH and was surrounded by many pets over the years. I always had a strong interest in science but gained more direction toward my future career after shadowing my own dog’s veterinarian in high school. I went to [...]

Maria Lowe

Like many, I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian since I was very young. In the fifth grade I got my very first pet dog and she started it all. Through the years my family and I acquired another dog and a cat and when we would take them to the vet I was [...]

Jacqueline Mihai

Unfortunately, I didn’t truly know I wanted to be a veterinarian until I was halfway done with my undergraduate studies at DePaul University in Chicago.I always knew from a young age that I loved animals and I knew I wanted to help them in some way, I just never thought I would be able to [...]

Maddie Mertz

The first time I remember saying I wanted to be a veterinarian was in middle school when the "what are going to be when you grow up" question suddenly felt much more real. Like many of my peers I've always loved animals and found this career would be the perfect fit; combining puzzle solving, science, [...]

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